Installation and Execution

Author: Samuel Farrens

Year: 2016


  1. Introduction
  1. Dependenies
  1. Compilation
    1. CMake Issues
    1. Mac OSX Issues
  1. Execution
    1. Main Code
    1. Cat_Split Code
    1. Cat_Merge Code


This section provides details for installing and running the FoF algorithm.

Detailed information about class methods and functions can be found here.


The codes (main.cpp, cat_split.cpp, cat_merge.cpp) require the following packages:


To compile the codes first run:

>> cmake CMakeLists.txt

which will generate a makefile. Then run:

>> make

Upon successful compilation of the code three executables will be generated in the fof_cluster_finder subdirectory: Main, Cat_Split and Cat_Merge.

CMake Issues

On some systems it may be neccesary to specify the paths to packages. This can be done with the following options:

  • To specify the CFITSIO directory use the following option after the cmake command:


    e.g cmake CMakeLists.txt -DCFITSIO_ROOT_DIR=/usr/cfitsio/
  • To specify the Boost directory use the following option after the cmake comamnd:


    e.g cmake CMakeLists.txt -DCFITSIO_ROOT_DIR=/usr/boost/
  • The C and C++ compilers can also be specified using the following options before the cmake command:

    CC & CXX

    e.g CC=gcc-4.9.0 CXX=g++-4.9.0 cmake CMakeLists.txt

Mac OSX Issues

For help with comilation on Mac OSX see here.


Main Code

The friends-of-friends (FoF) algorithm can be run in two different modes (spectroscopic or photometric) depending on the type of input data.

Input Format

The expected input file formats (ASCII or FITS) for the corresponding modes are as follows:

Output Format

The code produces two output files. The first contains the properties of the detected cluster candidates and the second contains the properties of the member galaxies that belong to each of these candidates according to the FoF. The formats for the output files are as follows:

  • Cluster Prorperties:
    1. Cluster ID
    2. Cluster Right Ascension [degrees] (median of members)
    3. Cluster Right Ascension Error [degrees] (error on median)
    4. Cluster Declination [degrees] (median of members)
    5. Cluster Declination Error [degrees] (error on median)
    6. Cluster Redshift (median of members)
    7. Cluster Redshift Error (error on median)
    8. Cluster Ngal (i.e. number of members)
    9. Cluster Signal-to-noise ratio (see below for calculation)
    10. Cluster radius [arcmin] (average distance of members from centre)
    11. Cluster area [arcmin2]
  • Member Prorperties:
    1. Cluster ID
    2. Cluster Ngal
    3. Cluster Redshift
    4. Galaxy ID
    5. Galaxy Right Ascension [degrees]
    6. Galaxy Declination [degrees]
    7. Galaxy Redshift


The code options can be provided either in a configuration file (Note: the defult configuration file name is param_file.ini) or directly as arguments.

If a configuration file is available the code can be run simply as follows:

>> main

All configuration file options can be overridden by providing a command line argument. For example to ignore a file name specified in the configuration file the following option can be used:

>> main –input_file FILE_NAME

All of the code options are listed below, but can be viewed by running:

>> main –help

The majority of the code options have defualt values that will be applicable to most data sets. The only options that need to be specified for every run are the input file name and the linking parameter values. For example to run the code in photometric mode on a data set that is well sampled around z=0.5 and does not extend beyond z=3.0 the following command would be sufficient to run the code:

>> main -i FILE_NAME –link_r 0.06 –link_z 1.1

See examples for example data sets and configuration files to test the code.

Code Options

  • -h [ --help ]: This option produces the help message with all the code options and exits.
  • -v [ --version ]: This option prints the current version of the code and exits.
  • -p [ --parameters ]: This option prints the values assigned to each of the code parameters.
  • -c [ --config ]: This option specifies the configuration file name. The default file name is param_file.ini.
  • -i [ --input_file ]: This option specifies the input file name.
  • --output_clusters: This option specifies the output file name of the cluster properties.
  • --output_members: This option specifies the ouput file name of the cluster member properties.
  • --link_r: This option specifies the value of the transverse linking parameter.
  • --link_z: This option specifies the value of the line-of-sight linking parameter.
  • --input_mode: This option specifies the input file format. The options permitted are ascii or fits. The default value is ascii.
  • --output_mode: This option specifies the output file format. The options permitted are ascii or fits. The default value is ascii.
  • --fof_mode: This option specifies the FoF redshift mode. The options permitted are spec (for a spectroscopic data set) or phot (for a photometric data set). The default value is phot.
  • --link_mode: This option specifies the FoF linking mode. The options permitted are fixed (for a fixed linking parameter value) or dynamic (for a redshift dependent linking parameter value). The default value is dynamic.
  • --size_units: This option specifies the cluster size units in the output. The options permitted are arcmin, deg or Mpc. The default value is arcmin.
  • --min_ngal: This option specifies the minimum number of galaxies members required to form a cluster in a given redshift bin. The default value is 10.
  • --max_ngal: This option specifies the maximum number of galaxies members allowed to form a cluster in a given redshift bin. The default value is 10000.
  • --z_min: This option specifies the low redshift limit of the sample. The default value is 0.0.
  • --z_max: This option specifies the high redshift limit of the sample. The default value is 3.0.
  • --z_bin_size: This option specifies the size of redshift bins. The default value is 0.01.
  • --z_ref: This option specifies the reference redshift for calculations. The default value is 0.5.
  • --z_err_max: This option specifies the maximum photometric redshift error allowed for each galaxy. The default value is 0.05.
  • --nz_data: This option specifies the file name for a predefined N(z) distribution. If unused the N(z) distribution is calculated from the input data.
  • --c: This option specifies the speed of light in km/s. The default value is 2.997e5.
  • --H0: This option specifies the value of the Hubble parameter in km/s/Mpc. The default value is 100.0.
  • --omega_m: This option specifies the value of the matter density of the Universe. The default value is 0.3.
  • --omega_l: This option specifies the value of the dark energy density of the Universe. The default value is 0.7.
  • --print_bin_data: This option specifies that the redshift bin data should be printed to a file.
  • --print_kdtree_data: This option specifies that the kd-tree data should be printed to a file.
  • --print_bg_data: This option specifies that the background field data should be printed to a file.

Cat_Split Code

This code divides galaxy catalogues into overlapping pieces to facilitate the running of the FoF code (Main). At present the code can only read ASCII files.

Input Format

The input ASCII file can contain any number of columns, but the code expects to find the right ascension and declination of the galaxies in columns 2 and 3 respectively. Additionally, if the resulting pieces are to be used as inputs for the Main code then the the input should adhere to the same format as that for the Main code (see above).

Ouput Format

The code output will retain the exact same format as that of the input.


To run the code the following properties need to be specified:

  1. The input file name.
  2. The limits (in RA and Dec) of the input catalogue.
  3. The total number of pieces required.
  4. The desired amount of overlap between pieces. (Default value is 0.5 degrees)

For example, the following command will split the input file (100 deg2) into 4 pieces with an overlap of 0.5 degrees between each piece:

>> cat_split –input_file FILE_NAME –ra_lower 30.0 –ra_upper 4.0 –dec_lower 10.0 –dec_upper 20.0 –ra_bins 2 –dec_bins 2

Code Options

  • -h [ --help ]: This option produces the help message with all the code options and exits.
  • -v [ --version ]: This option prints the current version of the code and exits.
  • -i [ --input_file ]: This option specifies the input file name.
  • --ra_lower: Lower limit in right ascension of the catalogue.
  • --ra_upper: Upper limit in right ascension of the catalogue.
  • --dec_lower: Lower limit in declination of the catalogue.
  • --dec_upper: Upper limit in declination of the catalogue.
  • --ra_overlap: Overlap in right ascension between pieces. The default is 0.5 degrees.
  • --dec_overlap: Overlap in declination between bins. The default is 0.5 degrees.
  • --n_ra_bins: Number of bins in right ascension.
  • --n_dec_bins: Number of bins in declination.
  • --n_procs: Number of processes. Use this option instead of n_ra_bins and n_dec_bins to define the total number of bins.

Cat_Merge Code

This code merges together the FoF outputs from various pieces of a larger catalogue.

Input Format

The input file is simply a list of the Main code members output files.






Output Format

The output format is exactly the same as that of the Main code (see above). If, however, the background data is not provided the signal-to-noise ratio for each cluster candidate will be set to 0.0.


To run simply specify the input file name and the desired output file name as follows:

>> cat_merge –input_file FILE_NAME –ouput_file MERGED_CLUSTERS

In order to provide signal-to-noise ratio values for each of the clusters the bg_data option must also be used as follows:

>> cat_merge –input_file FILE_NAME –ouput_file MERGED_CLUSTERS –bg_data BG_DATA_FILE

Code Options

  • -h [ --help ]: This option produces the help message with all the code options and exits.
  • -v [ --version ]: This option prints the current version of the code and exits.
  • -i [ --input_file ]: This option specifies the input file name.
  • -o [ --output_file ]: This option specifies the output file name.
  • --input_mode: This option specifies the input file format. The options permitted are ascii or fits. The default value is ascii.
  • --output_mode: This option specifies the output file format. The options permitted are ascii or fits. The default value is ascii.
  • --bg_data: This option specifies the file name containing the background field data. (i.e. the output from the Main code option print_bg_data)