Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAstroClass containing basic functions required for astronomy
 CBadArgumentExceptionClass for bad argument exceptions
 CBand_MatrixBand Martix solver for cubic spline interpolation
 CCat_MergeClass for merging cluster catalogues
 CCat_SplitClass for splitting galaxy catalogues
 CClusterClass for storing galaxy cluster properties and members
 CCompClass containing basic functions used in generic codes
 CCosmoClass containing basic functions required for Cosmology
 CDomainExceptionClass for domain exceptions
 CFileioClass for file input and output
 CFoFClass for perfoming friends-of-friends cluster detection
 CGalaxyClass for storing galaxy properties
 CKdtreeClass for constructing a kd-tree
 CKdtree_nodeClass structure for kd-tree properties
 CMainClass for running the FoF algorithm
 CMergeClass for merging Cluster instances
 CMerge_FileioClass for reading files for Cat_Merge
 COptionClass for reading code options
 CRuntimeExceptionClass for runtime exceptions
 CSplineClass for cubic spline interpolation
 CZbinClass for storing redshift bin properties