CAstro | Class containing basic functions required for astronomy |
CBadArgumentException | Class for bad argument exceptions |
CBand_Matrix | Band Martix solver for cubic spline interpolation |
CCat_Merge | Class for merging cluster catalogues |
CCat_Split | Class for splitting galaxy catalogues |
CCluster | Class for storing galaxy cluster properties and members |
CComp | Class containing basic functions used in generic codes |
CCosmo | Class containing basic functions required for Cosmology |
CDomainException | Class for domain exceptions |
CFileio | Class for file input and output |
CFoF | Class for perfoming friends-of-friends cluster detection |
CGalaxy | Class for storing galaxy properties |
CGalaxyCompCoord | |
▼CKdtree | Class for constructing a kd-tree |
CKdtree_node | Class structure for kd-tree properties |
CMain | Class for running the FoF algorithm |
CMerge | Class for merging Cluster instances |
CMerge_Fileio | Class for reading files for Cat_Merge |
COption | Class for reading code options |
CPoint | |
CRuntimeException | Class for runtime exceptions |
CSpline | Class for cubic spline interpolation |
CUnionFind | |
CZbin | Class for storing redshift bin properties |