double propmotdis(double)
This function calculates the proper motion distance d_M as a function of z, Omega_M and Omega_L in a ...
Definition: cosmo.cpp:248
double optdepth(double)
This function calculates the optical depth tau as a function of z, OmegaM and OmegaL by integrating t...
Definition: cosmo.cpp:230
double OmegaM
Matter density parameter value.
Definition: cosmo.hpp:24
double angdidis(double)
This function calculates the angular diameter distance d_A as a function of z, Omega_M and Omega_L in...
Definition: cosmo.cpp:29
double lookback(double)
This function calculates the lookback time t(0)-t(z) as a function of z, OmegaM and OmegaL by integra...
Definition: cosmo.cpp:202
double doptdepthdz(double)
This function calculates the change in optical depth dtau/dz with redshift z as a function of z,...
Definition: cosmo.cpp:147
double dcomvoldz(double)
This function calculates the one-steradian differential comoving volume dV/dz as a function of z,...
Definition: cosmo.cpp:116
void set_up(double, double)
This function sets the cosmological parameter values for the Cosmo functions.
Definition: cosmo.cpp:11
double angdidis2(double, double)
This function calculates the angular diameter distance d_A from z1 to z2 as a function of Omega_M and...
Definition: cosmo.cpp:40
double dcomdisdz(double)
This function calculates the differential line-of-sight comoving distance dD_c/dz as a function of z,...
Definition: cosmo.cpp:101
Class containing basic functions required for Cosmology.
Definition: cosmo.hpp:19
double intcomvol(double)
This function calculates the all-sky comoving volume V as a function of z, Omega_M and Omega_L in a m...
Definition: cosmo.cpp:186
double dlookbackdz(double)
This function calculates the change in lookback time dt/dz with redshift z as a function of z,...
Definition: cosmo.cpp:132
double OmegaL
Dark energy density parameter value.
Definition: cosmo.hpp:27
double dpropmotdisdz(double)
This function calculates the derivative of the proper motion distance d_M with respect to redshift z ...
Definition: cosmo.cpp:163
double comdis(double)
This function calculates the line-of-sight comoving distance d_C as a function of z,...
Definition: cosmo.cpp:59
double comvol(double)
This function calculates the all-sky comoving volume V as a function of z, Omega_M and Omega_L in a m...
Definition: cosmo.cpp:78
double lumdis(double)
This function calculates the luminosity distance d_L as a function of z, Omega_M and Omega_L in a mat...
Definition: cosmo.cpp:219