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All my papers on ADS*

*Note that this list includes various collaboration papers to which I may have contributed little or no work. For all the publications listed below I lead the work or made significant contributions.

ShapePipe: A new shape measurement pipeline and weak-lensing application to UNIONS/CFIS data
A. Guinot, M. Kilbinger, S. Farrens, A. Peel, A. Pujol, M. Schmitz, J.-L. Starck, T. Erben, R. Gavazzi, S. Gwyn, M. Hudson, H. Hildebrandt, T. Liaudat, L. Miller, I. Spitzer, L. Van Waerbeke, J.-C. Cuillandre, S. Fabbro, A. McConnachie, Y. Mellier
A&A 2022

The Ultraviolet Near-Infrared Optical Northern Survey (UNIONS) is an ongoing collaboration that will provide the largest deep photometric survey of the Northern sky in four optical bands to date. As part of this collaboration, the Canada-France Imaging Survey (CFIS) is taking \(r\)-band data w...

ShapePipe: A new shape measurement pipeline and weak-lensing application to UNIONS/CFIS data
A. Guinot, M. Kilbinger, S. Farrens, A. Peel, A. Pujol, M. Schmitz, J.-L. Starck, T. Erben, R. Gavazzi, S. Gwyn, M. Hudson, H. Hildebrandt, T. Liaudat, L. Miller, I. Spitzer, L. Van Waerbeke, J.-C. Cuillandre, S. Fabbro, A. McConnachie, Y. Mellier A&A 2022

The Ultraviolet Near-Infrared Optical Northern Survey (UNIONS) is an ongoing collaboration that will provide the largest deep photometric survey...

ShapePipe: A modular weak-lensing processing and analysis pipeline
S. Farrens, A. Guinot, M. Kilbinger, T. Liaudat , L. Baumont, X. Jimenez, A. Peel , A. Pujol , M. Schmitz, J.-L. Starck, and A. Z. Vitorelli
A&A 2022

We present the first public release of ShapePipe, an open-source and modular weak-lensing measurement, analysis, and validation pipeline written in Python. We describe the design of the software and justify the choices made. We provide a brief description of all the modules cu...

ShapePipe: A modular weak-lensing processing and analysis pipeline
S. Farrens, A. Guinot, M. Kilbinger, T. Liaudat , L. Baumont, X. Jimenez, A. Peel , A. Pujol , M. Schmitz, J.-L. Starck, and A. Z. Vitorelli A&A 2022

We present the first public release of ShapePipe, an open-source and modular weak-lensing measurement, analysis, and validation...

AMICO galaxy clusters in KiDS-DR3: measurement of the halo bias and power spectrum normalization from a stacked weak lensing analysis
L. Ingoglia, G. Covone, M. Sereno, ..., S. Farrens, et al.
MNRAS 2022

Galaxy clusters are biased tracers of the underlying matter density field. At very large radii beyond about 10 Mpc/\textit{h}, the shear profile shows evidence of a second-halo term. This is related to the correlated matter distribution around galaxy clusters and proportional to the so-called ...

AMICO galaxy clusters in KiDS-DR3: measurement of the halo bias and power spectrum normalization from a stacked weak lensing analysis
L. Ingoglia, G. Covone, M. Sereno, ..., S. Farrens, et al. MNRAS 2022

Galaxy clusters are biased tracers of the underlying matter density field. At very large radii beyond about 10 Mpc/\textit{h}, the shear profile...

Deep transfer learning for blended source identification in galaxy survey data
S. Farrens, A. Lacan, A. Guinot, A. Z. Vitorelli
A&A 2021

We present BlendHunter, a proof-of-concept deep-transfer-learning-based approach for the automated and robust identification of blended sources in galaxy survey data. We take the VGG-16 network with pre-trained convolutional layers and train the fully connected layers on parametric models of C...

Deep transfer learning for blended source identification in galaxy survey data
S. Farrens, A. Lacan, A. Guinot, A. Z. Vitorelli A&A 2021

We present BlendHunter, a proof-of-concept deep-transfer-learning-based approach for the automated and robust identification of blended sources ...

PySAP: Python Sparse Data Analysis Package for multidisciplinary image processing
S. Farrens, A. Grigis, L. El Gueddari, Z. Ramzi, Chaithya G.R., S. Starck, B. Sarthou, H. Cherkaoui, P. Ciuciu, J.-L. Starck
Astronomy and Computing 2020

We present the open-source image processing software package PySAP (Python Sparse data Analysis Package) developed for the COmpressed Sensing for Magnetic resonance Imaging and Cosmology (COSMIC) project. This package provides a set of flexible tools that can be applied to a variety of compres...

PySAP: Python Sparse Data Analysis Package for multidisciplinary image processing
S. Farrens, A. Grigis, L. El Gueddari, Z. Ramzi, Chaithya G.R., S. Starck, B. Sarthou, H. Cherkaoui, P. Ciuciu, J.-L. Starck Astronomy and Computing 2020

We present the open-source image processing software package PySAP (Python Sparse data Analysis Package) developed for the COmpressed Sensing fo...

Euclid preparation. III. Galaxy cluster detection in the wide photometric survey, performance and algorithm selection
Euclid Collaboration; R. Adam, M. Vannier, ..., S. Farrens, et al.
A&A 2019

Galaxy cluster counts in bins of mass and redshift have been shown to be a competitive probe to test cosmological models. This method requires an efficient blind detection of clusters from surveys with a well-known selection function and robust mass estimates, which is particularly challenging...

Euclid preparation. III. Galaxy cluster detection in the wide photometric survey, performance and algorithm selection
Euclid Collaboration; R. Adam, M. Vannier, ..., S. Farrens, et al. A&A 2019

Galaxy cluster counts in bins of mass and redshift have been shown to be a competitive probe to test cosmological models. This method requires a...

Space variant deconvolution of galaxy survey images
S. Farrens, J.-L.Starck, F. Ngolè Mboula
A&A 2017

Removing the aberrations introduced by the Point Spread Function (PSF) is a fundamental aspect of astronomical image processing. The presence of noise in observed images makes deconvolution a nontrivial task that necessitates the use of regularisation. This task is particularly difficult when ...

Space variant deconvolution of galaxy survey images
S. Farrens, J.-L.Starck, F. Ngolè Mboula A&A 2017

Removing the aberrations introduced by the Point Spread Function (PSF) is a fundamental aspect of astronomical image processing. The presence of...

Friends-of-friends groups and clusters in the 2SLAQ catalogue
S. Farrens, F.B. Abdalla, E.S. Cypriano, C. Sabiu, C. Blake
MNRAS 2011

We present a catalogue of galaxy groups and clusters selected using a friends-of-friends (FoF) algorithm with a dynamic linking length from the 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO (2SLAQ) luminous red galaxy survey. The linking parameters for the code are chosen through an analysis of simulated 2SLAQ haloes....

Friends-of-friends groups and clusters in the 2SLAQ catalogue
S. Farrens, F.B. Abdalla, E.S. Cypriano, C. Sabiu, C. Blake MNRAS 2011

We present a catalogue of galaxy groups and clusters selected using a friends-of-friends (FoF) algorithm with a dynamic linking length from the ...