sf_tools.image.convolve module


This module contains methods for convolution.

Author:Samuel Farrens <samuel.farrens@gmail.com>
sf_tools.image.convolve.convolve_np(image, kernel)[source]

Convolve with Numpy FFT

This method convolves the input image with the input kernel

  • image (np.ndarray) – 2D image array
  • kernel (np.ndarray) – 2D kernel array

Return type:

np.ndarray 2D convolved image array

sf_tools.image.convolve.deconvolve_np(image, kernel)[source]

Deconvolve with Numpy FFT

This method deconvolves the input image with the input kernel

  • image (np.ndarray) – 2D image array
  • kernel (np.ndarray) – 2D kernel array

Return type:

np.ndarray 2D deconvolved image array

sf_tools.image.convolve.convolve(data, kernel, method='astropy')[source]

Convolve data with kernel

This method convolves the input data with a given kernel using FFT and is the default convolution used for all routines

  • data (np.ndarray) – Input data array, normally a 2D image
  • kernel (np.ndarray) – Input kernel array, normally a 2D kernel
  • method (str {'astropy', 'scipy'}, optional) –

    Convolution method (default is ‘astropy’)

    Uses the astropy.convolution.convolve_fft method provided in Astropy (http://www.astropy.org/)
    Uses the scipy.signal.fftconvolve method provided in SciPy (https://www.scipy.org/)

Return type:

np.ndarray convolved data

  • ValueError – If data and kernel do not have the same number of dimensions
  • ValueError – If method is not ‘astropy’ or ‘scipy’
sf_tools.image.convolve.convolve_stack(data, kernel, rot_kernel=False, method='astropy')[source]

Convolve stack of data with stack of kernels

This method convolves the input data with a given kernel using FFT and is the default convolution used for all routines

  • data (np.ndarray) – Input data array, normally a 2D image
  • kernel (np.ndarray) – Input kernel array, normally a 2D kernel
  • rot_kernel (bool) – Option to rotate kernels by 180 degrees
  • method (str {'astropy', 'scipy'}, optional) – Convolution method (default is ‘astropy’)

Return type:

np.ndarray convolved data

sf_tools.image.convolve.psf_convolve(data, psf, psf_rot=False, psf_type='fixed', method='astropy')[source]

Convolve data with PSF

This method convolves an image with a PSF

  • data (np.ndarray) – Input data array, normally an array of 2D images
  • psf (np.ndarray) – Input PSF array, normally either a single 2D PSF or an array of 2D PSFs
  • psf_rot (bool) – Option to rotate PSF by 180 degrees
  • psf_type (str {'fixed', 'obj_var'}, optional) – PSF type (default is ‘fixed’)
  • method (str {'astropy', 'scipy'}, optional) –

    Convolution method (default is ‘astropy’)

    The PSF is fixed, i.e. it is the same for each image
    The PSF is object variant, i.e. it is different for each image

Return type:

np.ndarray convolved data


ValueError – If psf_type is not ‘fixed’ or ‘obj_var’

sf_tools.image.convolve.pseudo_inverse(image, kernel, weight=None)[source]

Pseudo inverse

This method calculates the pseudo inverse of the input image for the given kernel using FFT

  • image (np.ndarray) – Input image, 2D array
  • kernel (np.ndarray) – Input kernel, 2D array
  • weight (np.ndarray, optional) – Optional weights, 2D array

Return type:

np.ndarray result of the pseudo inverse